PinnedExporting user-filtered data from a Django admin without django-import-export library.I want to take the data from the corporate site into my cozy Excel as I filtered and sorted it there.Jul 21, 2022Jul 21, 2022
Displaying objects on maps in the Django administration site.The free, open-source DjangoAdminGeomap library is designed to display objects on the map in the Django admin site.Sep 15, 2021Sep 15, 2021
Scheduled, repeatable, and auto-deleted publications in Telegram messengerThe Telegram messenger has the ability to schedule the publication of messages. But there is no way to create publications that are…Jun 15, 2020Jun 15, 2020
Notifications in Telegram Messenger channels and groups from popular resources: YouTube, Twitter…The code for the site that processes the contents of notifications is written in Python/Flask and is available at Github.Mar 12, 2020Mar 12, 2020
Cost sharing with bot of Telegram MessengerPotTeleBot in Telegram Messenger will help you comfortably manage the joint expenses of a group of people. Tell the bot about the funds…Oct 5, 2018Oct 5, 2018
Emailing to the channels and groups of Telegram Messenger.@EmailGateBot allows messaging to channels and groups of Telegram by emailing to the special mailbox.May 14, 20181May 14, 20181
EmailGateBot webhook for message text transformationYou can automatically transform text of messages for emails from the whitelist of the chat. To do this, you need to deploy a web server on…May 14, 2018May 14, 2018