Scheduled, repeatable, and auto-deleted publications in Telegram messenger
The Telegram messenger has the ability to schedule the publication of messages. But there is no way to create publications that are automatically deleted at a given time interval and repeated publications.
The EmailGateBot bot allows you to solve this problem. EmailGateBot assigns a specific mailing address to each Telegram channel/group where it is added. The content of the email sent to this address is published in the corresponding Telegram channel/group.
EmailGateBot can send scheduled messages. To do this, put the special code in a separate line of your message. For example:
###start 31–12–2018 23:59
In this case, the message will be published in the Telegram at the specified time (UTC time zone used).
To publish a message several times at different times, add additional lines with the desired publication time.
###start 31–12–2018 23:00
###start 31–12–2018 23:59
###start 01–01–2019 10:00
To post a message at a specified time and then automatically delete it, add the `stop` tag after the `start` tag. For example, the following lines in the body of the message will plan the first publication with its removal after 1 hour and the repeated publication of the same message 1 hour after the removal of the first.
###start 01–01–2019 10:00 stop 01–01–2019 11:00
###start 01–01–2019 12:00
Lines with a code will not be included in the published message. You can schedule publications to 30 days ahead. Each channel/group queue can contain up to 10 scheduled tasks.
For each channel/group, you can view the queue of scheduled tasks and manage these tasks.